Genuine Transformation

As Christ followers we often reflect on God’s intent for the world and from our outlook from such contemplation. Some are very optimistic almost utopian in their view. They see the advancement of God’s kingdom being fulfilled on the earth. The flip side of this is an overly pessimistic view of the world because of increasing suffering and poverty, widespread violence and injustice, harsh and unjust oppression and exploitation by worldly powers. It is easy to fall into these extremes and conform our thinking and lifestyles to the ways of the world.

However, believers are exhorted to a biblical outlook and to avoid conforming to the values of culture. It is a call for Christians to proclaim the transformational message found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:1-2) This is rooted in God’s love for the world and the creation that belongs to Him. Certainly the enemy prowls around the world, seeking souls to devour and claiming ownership to that which is not his. He is a pretender and an usurper with no right to God’s creation. Jesus tells that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him (Matt. 28:18)

Transformation is more than behavior modification or developmental progress. Transformation speaks to change that is new and completely different than what was before. There are many self-help books, organizations and philosophies that advocate changes in habits, behaviors and even suggest laws and policies to modify injustice and oppression. While many of these ideas are well intentioned and speak to the value of human life, they fail to recognize that the root cause of humanity’s ills are spiritual rather than material. The creation account in Genesis 1, demonstrates the innate value of all human life and man’s stewardship responsibility to the creation and one another. The fall in Genesis 3 depicts our sinful self-centeredness that has been carried out through the ages in the form of greed, violence and the lust for power and the flesh. It is that sin nature that needs to be transformed in all of us. No self-help guru or legislative action will cure humanity of sin. Only the salvation that comes through Christ alone through faith by grace alone will provide the ultimate transformation. It is this transformation that makes us a new creation in Christ and reorients our nature and direction.

The local church has the primary responsibility for communicating the good news of Jesus through worshiping God, proclaiming the grace and love of God through the Word and works, and providing a nurturing community to make disciples of those who have received Jesus Christ and His salvation. As we grow in our faith as individuals, families and communities, our words and works will demonstrate the transformation in our own lives but also demonstrate the need for transformation in the world. The local church will have to choose when to speak freely against evil and when to remain silent. The local church has to address these issues through prayer and commitment to the Word without comprising or blurring the witness of the Gospel and for the Lord Jesus.